Our daughter Mary Grace turned 3 in January and she still uses a pacifier....we have talked about giving them up. just talked about it.
For some reason the thought of Mary Grace giving up her "passie" brings me to tears... even as I type this my eyes are welling up.
It is her last sign of being a baby and it kills me- seriously BIG tears in my eyes right now. I don't want to make her sad and I know it is a huge comfort to her. Tired, sleepy, sad- everything is made better when she has her bunny and passie.
We have a plan and we have talked to MG about the Magical Passie fairy. You put all the passies in the mailbox at night before you go to bed and in the morning the passie fairy has left you a wonderful big surprise....I am totally getting into this, glitter all around the mailbox and a special gift for my baby, I mean big girl. The Passie fairy takes the passies and gives them to new babies who need them.
When MG and I talk about it she seems OK with the idea, she tells me about the babies who will get her passies and the present she will get
Now I just need to start the countdown....this is like a huge band aid that I need to rip off. No matter how incredibly sad I am about it (and I am)
Sweet MG!! That is a great idea. Next stop bunk beds...